The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

When should a comment be a post?

Recently I posted about how I was changing my self-imposed writing requirement from 10 minutes a day to 10 minutes a week. Corey left some thoughtful comments, and I've been mulling them over the past few days. I replied today, but replied as a comment. The reply was long enough that maybe it should have been a post. It definitely made my 10 minute requirement for today.

On the World Cup front, I had the occasion yesterday to sort-of watch the Saudi Arabia v. Tunisia game and watch the Germany v. Poland game. I think I'm getting more interested in soccer. I just wish I wasn't so fat and out of shape so that I could go try to play it somewhere. But my lack of coordination would probably be the ruin of my soccer dream anyway. I'm working on the fat and out of shape part, but it may be too late for the coordination part. Who knows.

On the posting/writing front: I continue to read good amateur writing on the web, and continue to get inspired to do it myself. Time is still an issue, but I'm slowly modifying my schedule and finding time for writing. And reading. Usually in some peace and quiet.

Posting will be non-existant here next week. I leave Saturday for a mission trip, and won't return until the next weekend. There will be zero computer access. Not that anyone would have even noticed (since I still seem to post sporadically), but I don't want anyone that might read to think I've given up again. I hope to get another post in before I go, but I still have lots to do to get ready to leave, so it may not happen.


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