The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The long awaited return

Hahahahaha..check out that title. I amuse myself.

I'm back from my near season-ending injury and ready to make another stab at this "write for 10 minutes a day" thing. The injury? No big thing. I'd love to give details, but if I did it would make this blog too easy to tie back to me if someone I know personally should stumble across it. Suffice it to say that it wasn't serious, just annoying. If any of my loyal subscribers want to know more details, just email me. And I know who you are, so if you're not one of them don't waste your time. :-)

I really want to write and improve my writing. My biggest problems are either time to do it, or time alone to do it. Even today, for my long-awaited return post, I got up extra early on a Saturday morning. My wife and I are similar personality types. We both like to stay up late and sleep late. I stayed up past midnight watching the end of the Spurs game - and she was up doing something else. I then got up at 7:30 a.m. in order to have some quiet time with a cup of coffee. Typically she (and I) would sleep in until 9:00 or so. For some still unknown reason she got up early today, too. So I am typing this without her knowing.

Why do I keep this secret from those I know? I've discussed it before - while going through this process to learn how to write I think I'll do way too much self-editing if I think that people I know are reading it. I'll be doing self-editing anyway to keep identifying details out, but I'll be more open and honest about my thoughts and emotions. If people I know are reading I'll be more likely to keep that stuff in. Hopefully someday I'll get around that, but for now I have to do it this way.

Well, not a very compelling return post, but at least I wrote what came naturally and didn't force myself. I guess that's a step in the right (write :-) ) direction.


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