The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Back to writing

The laptop still isn't fixed, though I'm closer to getting it there. Just need to order the right part, probably getting it in an Ebay auction, and get it installed. Hopefully that will take care of it.

Though I haven't posted here in a while, I think about this blog probably every day. And every day I cringe at the fact I haven't updated in so long. And that makes the task seem even that much harder, so I put it off for another day. And that keeps going, and going, and going.
I recently had a breakthrough on this front. I might have had this breakthrough before - I need to go back and read the archives and see - but basically I've figured out that every post doesn't have to be some deep thought or great personal development to be valid. I need to not be so freaking serious. I need to start posting about whatever I'm currently excited about, reading, listening to, cool link I found, or whatever. Basically stop taking this so seriously, so maybe one day I can take this more seriously.

So here it is. The first post of the rest of my blog life. What is this, new beginning #33 or something? The real great part is that it's Thursday, and I'm leaving town tomorrow night for the weekend and going where there is no cell phone access, much less any interweb access. Hopefully I'll still have this passion when I get back.

And I'm even taking the risk of posting this from work. Most of the times when I feel inspired to post something are when I'm at work. I mean, I sit in front of a computer all day. Lots of days the last thing I want to do when I get home is sit in front of a computer some more. I'm going to try doing this more here and there from work, and hopefully stay employed in the mean time. Wish me luck. And please stay tuned.

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