The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Writing Resource

Thanks to God's Child at Radio Ventriloquist, I have a new resource on writing, First Fifty Words. Every day, First Fifty Words will post a topic and a lead off of fifty words about that topic. You add your own fifty words on the topic. From the About page:
To practice writing, pick a topic, any topic, and start writing. Don’t judge, don’t edit, just write. For normal practice, after a certain period of time, perhaps 10 minutes, stop writing. For this blog, you are invited to leave a comment with the first 50 words of your writing on the topic. I’ll pick the topics–you write 50 words.
It goes on to say that if what you come up with turns out to start something in you, then go back to your own blog to finish it.

I know I won't do it every day, but hopefully I will do it fairly regularly. And I'm not sure if I'll put the first 50 words there or just here. But either way, it is a good idea as well as a good resource. Check them out and participate.

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