The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Dusting off keyboard

Well, I'm dusting off my keyboard and trying to get back in the habit of writing here. As I mentioned before, I got a new Moleskine notebook (the larger kind) with lined pages. I also have a nice fountain pen. And I have yet to use either. Well, I have used the fountain pen - just testing it out and getting the ink flowing again. And I guess I actually have written in my notebook - I wrote inside the cover where you put your name and phone number to let people know where to return it if it is lost. I think I am actually scared of the notebook. I feel all this pressure to make whatever I write be perfect. And this notebook is on the edge of dangerous. If I start really writing what I think and feel, and people get hold of it and read it, that could be embarrassing. I feel safer writing here than in that notebook.

All is not dead on the writing front. I started another blog, one that is "public" - that my friends and family know about. I started it primarily because when I found interesting stuff on the web (via weblogs, email, whatever) I would email a note and a link to friends and family that might be interested. Later I'd mention it to someone I didn't email it to, and they were interested as well. That made me decide to start a blog where I just post these short notes and links so whoever wanted to see them, could. I then notified my friends and family that rather than get notes from me when I found something interesting, they'd just need to read my blog instead. It has worked out ok so far. I've even branched out a bit and posted a few other things, like a review of a CD a friend loaned me (they really, really) wanted to know what I thought), some thoughts about some scripture I read during my recent quiet time, and things like that. So at least I've been writing somewhere).

Other great news. One of my favorite bloggers to read, God's Child, has come back online with a blog. She had one going for a bit and I was just about to add it to my list on the left when she decided to take it down. I emailed her and asked about it, and it was the right thing to do for her at the time. Well, I got a note from her (actually a comment on my last post) and she's back now - so go check it out. And I just love the name of it - Radio Ventriloquist!

I still owe the post on the chapter in that book - I'll be working on it next.

Oh, and an update on Prosper, and a review of Fighting Instinct for Corey.


Blogger Chaim said...

Yeah, I know how the pressure feels. But once you get used to writing in the moleskine it comes very easily. I find that because I love my moleskine notebook so much, that actually improves the general quality (and quantity) of what I write in it. My journaling has been taken to a whole new level

9/4/06, 4:21 PM  

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