The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Another example

This is another example of what I can't do but would someday like to be able to do. Tell stories. That's it. That's what I want to do. Wil phrases it so well in that entry I linked to. Tell stories and have people feel what I felt when it happened. Just tell stories.

I don't want to write Tom Clancy style novel. I wouldn't mind writing articles here and there to pay the bills. But I want to tell stories.

Now, how do I go about doing that? Or, rather, how do I go about learning to do that? How do I learn to observe a situation and then describe it so people feel like they are in it? As I was reading his entry I could actually see him on the patio picking yellow leaves off of his tomato plants. I could see the dog run out to the back fence after the lizard. Possibly because my dog does the same thing but with squirrels, but I could still see it.

How do I do that? Yes I know, practice. But before I can start to practice, don't I need to have some idea what I am doing?


Blogger Dee said...

The Nike slogan comes to mind.
Your first attempts aren't going to be great, but should you really consider them practice?

7/14/06, 11:18 AM  

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