The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Overheard in the office

Any of you that work in offices, especially those with cubicles, understand how easy it is to overhear conversations. Conversations others have on the phone, and conversations between coworkers. You don't really mean to listen, it's just the way cubicles are. I think sometimes people forget there isn't a ceiling, or that the walls aren't real. Sometimes you hear funny lines. Sometimes you have to sit there and stifle a laugh. You really wish you could share it with someone.

Today a friend sent me a link to a website I hadn't heard of before. Check out Overheard in the Office. This is a definite time-waster.

And, no, I haven't left yet. I leave tomorrow.


Blogger Dee said...

oh shucks, you posted!

6/16/06, 4:01 PM  

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