The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This writing thing

I was perusing links on my blog, making sure they weren't all dead. I hit the First 50 Words link, and the post for yesterday is about a writing workshop the author attended. In part of the preface, she mentioned something that was said in the workshop:
Writing practice hasn’t changed. You write for 10 or 20 minutes. You read. You do it again. You don’t edit, cross out, worry about spelling, you just write. You do this every day. You show up and write.
How do you do this? How do you not edit, cross out, or worry about spelling? I can't NOT do it. I edit while I type, automatically. I might edit later, but I edit while I type without thinking about it. I also correct spelling. If a word gets a little red underline (I'm using Firefox which checks my spelling as I write), then I automatically correct it. How do you let all this go and just write?

And why does 10 or 20 minutes seem so short, yet when the time arrives it seems so long? And I just did it again - edited that sentence 3 times before typing the period at the end. AARRGGHHH.

And now, after having gotten going on this, it's time to close the laptop and go to work. What I want to do is make more coffee, sit here in this easy chair, and keep reading and writing. But as Paul said "For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." I know he was talking about sin, but it fits my situation right now.

And now I'm late for work. Well, late for leaving for work which will most likely make me late for work unless I break some traffic laws along the way.



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