The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Learning To Write Hack #4: Your First Million Words

In Mark Lee's excellent Songwriting Hack series, #4: 100 Songs is about getting experience writing. Write your first 100 songs. Get them out of the way. They will be bad at first, and get progressively better.

As it relates to writing, that is exactly the point of this blog. Writing my first million words, getting them out of the way, and hoping I get better as I go along.

Mark compares the process to learning to be a runner. The first day, when you make yourself go out and run, will be awful. You are out of shape. You aren't used to the exercise. You will ache when you're done. But you go out and do it again the next day. And the next. And the next. Eventually, it doesn't hurt so bad, and you've gotten better. You're in better shape. You develop your legs. Well, by writing you develop (for lack of a better term) your "pen". You also find your voice.

What is my voice? I'm still searching.