The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More great writing resources

This is slowly becoming a holding place for things I want to read about writing, and possibly even implement, but haven't gotten to yet. I must do something about that.

But first, the new links. In his latest post, Wil Wheaton talks about writing, how he's working through stretching and growing his writing muscles, and gives some links to some good writer blogs and a couple of good posts about writing.

So, the links:
Writing lessons I wish I'd learned the easy way and
Blog Vs. Book.

I plan to read these. I even plan to read #2 NOW.

A lot of change going on - Part II

First, an update on Part I - interview process continues. Today is the 3rd interview, and one of the interviewers will be the V.P. of Engineering. I feel like the process has gone well so far and that I'll probably get an offer later this week.

As for the other major change going on - we are working towards moving to a small town outside of the metropolitan area I live in now. It will change my commute to work from about 15 miles to about 50 miles. But the good part is that I can pay cash for the house using the equity I have in my current home. Additionally we'd be closer to some of my family. We'd also get an older home, which is something my wife has always wanted. Now we just have to go through all the work of getting our house ready to sell. This kind of has my stomach tied up in knots. I'm actually feeling kind of nauseated as I sit here and type this.

Updates coming.....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A lot of change going on - Part I

I've got a lot of change going on in my life. Or at least the potential for a lot of change coming up. What kind of change you ask? Well, sit right down there and I'll tell you.

First, I have a job interview this Friday. I'm both excited about it and dreading it at the same time.

I'm excited about it because it is a programming job at a company where 2 of my good friends work. I've worked with them both in the past - in fact, the 3 of us have even worked together - and I really enjoy working with them. Also it sounds like they are both having fun working there. And from what they could tell me about the project (they are under an NDA as the project is pre-release), it sounds like I'd enjoy it too. I'd get to learn some new stuff. Work in an area that is both familiar to me (web development), but also new to me (PHP programming). Plus its in a different industry than I'm working in now. Lots to look forward to there.

I am somewhat dreading it because I don't like the interview process. Never have, never will. That's at least one reason I've only had 3 jobs in the last 20 years. It takes a lot to make me unhappy enough to go through the interview process and look for something else. But I'm at that point at my current job. No matter how hard I try to focus and do the work, I simply struggle with it. I am completely bored by it. I haven't learned anything new in the last 3-4 years. I know our product inside and out, and even though new development is going on using newer technologies like Microsoft's dotNet, I haven't gotten moved on to that new development. I'm enhancing and maintaining the older existing code base. And I've learned the hard way that if I'm not challenged I'm bored.

The thing that has kept me there, and also has me dreading this potential job change, is the people I work with. I have some good friends there. I really enjoy being around most of the people I work with. And even though the work may bore me, at least I'm around people I enjoy. Will I even like the people I work with at the new place - besides those two friends of mine that already work there? I have no idea.

--- to be continued ---

Poor Olympic Timing

I haven't watched more than, say, 30 minutes of the Olympics since they started last Friday. Why? Because every time I turn them on it's gymnastics. I'm not big on the gymnastics. I read blog posts, twitter messages, IMs, etc. from people talking about seeing the swimming, the soccer, even the fencing and badminton. Why is it that those things aren't on when I watch? Why is it always gymnastics? Why? Seriously?

And the Chinese female gymnasts are 16? They're as much 16 as I have anyone reading this blog.

UPDATE: I finally got to see some of that fancy Phelps swimming tonight. Now gymnastics is on again. D'OH!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Writing about writing and actually writing

Good stuff I found tonight. Noted for future reference.

John Scalzi's tips on writing:
Whatever: Writing Tips for Non-Writers Who Don't Want to Work at Writing

An idea for content for my site. I like to read, after all.
Words For Words

Never Let Go

You may or may not have heard of the David Crowder Band. If not, they are a praise and worship band. Now, praise & worship music, and the bands that perform such, is not typically my preferred listening. It's typically simple, basic music. When you need several hundred people to learn a new song instantly on Sunday morning, that's actually a good thing. But the David Crowder Band is different. These guys are all excellent musicians. And they bring a level of complexity to the typical praise and worship music that both make it a joy to listen to and also a true, worshipful experience.

Recently I've had one of their songs stuck on repeat on my iPod. As in I listen to it, and before the iPod can change to the next song I make it repeat. I have at times listened to it 10-15 times before moving on to the next song, and typically after a song or two will back up to it. I just can't get enough of it. Maybe God is trying to drill a lesson into my head. But if so, that's kind of scary - what bad thing is on the horizon?

Here is a YouTube video someone posted that puts up the lyrics while the song plays. I had found another from a church that they had created for a worship service, but in the time since I found it and could post it (several days) it had been taken down by the poster. Give this a listen and see if you can only listen to it once.