The First Million Words

When learning to write, you should be ready to throw away your first million words. Welcome to my writing trash can.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A lot of change going on - Part II

First, an update on Part I - interview process continues. Today is the 3rd interview, and one of the interviewers will be the V.P. of Engineering. I feel like the process has gone well so far and that I'll probably get an offer later this week.

As for the other major change going on - we are working towards moving to a small town outside of the metropolitan area I live in now. It will change my commute to work from about 15 miles to about 50 miles. But the good part is that I can pay cash for the house using the equity I have in my current home. Additionally we'd be closer to some of my family. We'd also get an older home, which is something my wife has always wanted. Now we just have to go through all the work of getting our house ready to sell. This kind of has my stomach tied up in knots. I'm actually feeling kind of nauseated as I sit here and type this.

Updates coming.....


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